
Our Commitment

Our business model places exceptionally high importance on compliance and information security, safeguarding our stakeholders’ interests and mitigating operational and reputational risks.

Ethics Code of Conduct and TCF

Treating customers fairly and with respect.

Strive for excellence and transparency in all of our endeavors.

Never use recovery methods that are oppressive and that go against our ethical responsibility.

Provide clients with all of the fundamental information needed to make informed decisions.


Have compliance policies associated to Know Your Costumer, ensure that applicable rules and laws are followed.

Have effective processes to avoid three key ML risks: Placement, Layering and Integration.

Have methods in place to help prevent identity theft fraud and Anti Money Laundering (AML).

Data Protection

Our legal and compliance policies are associated with customer information security and confidentiality.

Our effective business continuity plan is tested regularly.

We perform daily backups to promote security, availability and business continuity.

Whistleblower Channel

The Whistleblowing Channel is a communication channel accessible to all employees, managers, suppliers, clients, and other stakeholders of Finsolutia group.

The purpose of this channel is to provide a mechanism to report possible irregular behavior, both internal regulations of Finsolutia group as well as the legal regulation, strictly confidential and managed accordingly to the Internal Information Policy.

Finsolutia whistleblowing channel is certified in accordance with ISO 37002:2021 - Whistleblowing management system.